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As the years pass, facial skin naturally loses its youthful elasticity and supple quality. Wrinkles, lines, creases, and sagging skin are all common in aging adults and can drastically affect your appearance. There are many creams, cosmetics, and injectable fillers that work to improve the look of aging skin. However, Dr. Morrissette may be your answer when non-surgical methods are no longer effective—delivering some of the best facelifts in Santa Barbara.

What is a Facelift?

A facelift is a surgical procedure designed to refresh and rejuvenate the facial features, taking years off the clock for the long term.

This procedure dramatically:

  • Tightens sagging skin, jowls, and other signs of age
  • Repositions underlying facial tissues to restore youthful contours
  • Enhances graceful lines for a more youthful appearance
  • Firms and sculpts facial features for a rejuvenated look
  • Restores natural lifted facial structure for a refreshed appearance

Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

Heredity, skin elasticity, sun damage, smoking, stress, and gravity can cause the facial skin to wrinkle and sag, giving you an aging appearance.

It may be time to consider a facelift if you are tired of seeing the appearance of:

  • Jowls
  • Sunken cheeks
  • Sagging skin
  • Wrinkles
  • A tired, aged facial appearance

If you have used fillers or other non-surgical methods, but you are now ready to restore and rejuvenate your face, a surgical facelift can provide a smoother, more youthful appearance that lasts years rather than months. Our facelift in Santa Barbara gets some of the greatest results available in the field and maybe your answer.

woman smiling

Facelift Before & After Photos

Is a Facelift in Santa Barbara Right For Me?

Heredity, skin elasticity, sun damage, smoking, stress, and gravity can cause the facial skin to wrinkle and sag, giving you an aging appearance. It may be time to consider a facelift if you are tired of seeing the appearance of jowls, sunken cheeks, sagging skin, wrinkles, and a tired, aged facial appearance.

If you have used fillers or other non-surgical methods, but you are now ready to restore and rejuvenate your face, a surgical facelift can provide a smoother, more youthful appearance that lasts years rather than months. Our Santa Barbara facelift procedure gets some of the greatest results available in the field and may be your answer.

What are the Benefits of a Facelift?

Non-surgical skin treatments and injections require maintenance every few months, and cannot produce the dramatically improved appearance of a facelift. A surgical facelift has many benefits, including:

  • Lasting results
  • Greater reduction in signs of aging over non-surgical methods
  • Can be easily combined with other procedures like blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), lip enhancements, skin resurfacing, neck lift, liposuction, or other rejuvenating treatment
  • Discreet incision placement for little to no visible scarring
  • Customizable to address your specific problems

What are the Steps of a Facelift Procedure?

Before the procedure begins, an anesthetic is administered, so you are comfortable during the procedure. An incision is made on each side of the face, hidden in the hairline, to reduce visible scarring. The type of facelift and your desired outcome will impact the size and exact placement of the incision(s).

After the incision is made, fat may be redistributed to an elevated position, tissue is repositioned, and muscles may be lifted and tightened. After all, adjustments are made, the skin is pulled tight, and excess skin is trimmed. Incisions are closed using dissolvable stitches for an easier recovery. Our modern techniques for a facelift in Santa Barbara allow for smaller incisions, shorter surgery times, and faster healing.

How should I prepare for a facelift?

1. Quit smoking and abstain from alcohol for six weeks before surgery -- Both nicotine and alcohol can act as blood-thinning agents, increasing your risk of bleeding during your procedure. Smoking and drinking can also interfere with your recovery, compromising your cosmetic results and increasing your risk of poor scarring. 

2. Stop taking certain medications and supplements before surgery -- Your doctor will let you know which medications, vitamins, and supplements will need to be temporarily discontinued before your treatment. These typically include pills that might thin the blood or increase blood pressure, both of which increase your risk of complications

3. Prepare your living space for your recovery -- You will likely need to rest for a few weeks after your treatment, so make sure your space is comfortable. You can prepare meals ahead of time, program your favorite movies and shows, and let others know ahead of time you won’t be available until your healing progresses.

4. Arrange to have a friend or family member drive you home -- After anesthesia, you will not be allowed to drive. You’ll need someone to take you home and stay with you for the first 24 hours. Scheduling this person ahead of time will cut down on your stress and ensure your recovery process begins on a high note.

Recovery After a Facelift

Dr. Morrissette will provide detailed post-operative instructions and monitor your progress closely after your facelift in Santa Barbara. Painkillers and antibiotics will be prescribed to ensure a comfortable and swift recovery. With Dr. Morrissette's technique involving shorter incisions, recovery is typically fast, with most patients needing one to two weeks off work.

In the weeks following the procedure, the muscle and tissue will settle, revealing a rejuvenated, youthful appearance. Dr. Morrissette is known for achieving natural-looking results, enhancing patients' confidence with smoother, younger, and more defined facial contours. The facelift results, including a youthful jawline and volumized cheeks, can last five to ten years or more, especially with a healthy lifestyle.

A Patient-Focused Experience with your Santa Barbara Facelift

Our state-of-the-art facility in Santa Barbara focuses on providing personalized, compassionate care to each individual we treat. Dr. Morrissette is an experienced, highly-qualified surgeon who is dedicated to producing natural-looking outcomes in facelift procedures. Rejuvenate your face and neck with a facelift performed at our exclusive Santa Barbara clinic.

Dr. Morrissette Facial Cosmetic Surgeon

Facelift FAQs

At What Age Should I Get a Facelift?

Every person ages differently, based upon genetic factors and amount of sun exposure. If you see a noticeable sagging or drooping of the skin and tissue on the face and are considering a facelift, it’s better to do it sooner rather than later. Most people begin to see noticeable signs of aging facial skin in in the late thirties and forties, and may choose to undergo a cosmetic procedure to maintain a youthful, fresh look.

Are There Negative Side Effects After a Facelift?

Each patient recovers differently, but it is normal to experience bruising or swelling. Any discomfort can be managed with medication, and you are unlikely to experience any severe pain while healing from the procedure. There are ways to minimize swelling and bruising, which Dr. Morrissette will review with you.

Will I Have a “Pulled” Appearance?

Our Santa Barbara cosmetic surgeon focuses on giving each patient natural-looking results. Modern procedure techniques and a deeper understanding of the facial structure provide results that look natural and not a tight, overly-stretched, unnatural look.

How Long Does a Facelift Procedure Take?

Your procedure time will vary depending on the amount of work that needs to be done to restore and tighten underlying facial structure. However, most facelift procedures can take from two to four hours. You will also need to rest for a brief time at our clinic before returning to your home.

Will a Facelift Stop the Aging Process?

Although a facelift can turn back time and give you a younger appearance, it cannot stop the aging process altogether. You can enjoy the results of your procedure for many years, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle, but eventually your skin will begin to show signs of aging once again. However, the procedure will allow you to age in a natural, graceful way. Maintaining a youthful appearance impacts how others respond to you – and can greatly boost your self-confidence and feelings of empowerment. Considering a facelift? Speak with us and take the time to review our before and after gallery. We are proud to have become the premier clinic for facial rejuvenation and enhancements in Santa Barbara.

Your first step...

Your first step is to come to our office and meet with us about what you hope to achieve. Dr. Morrissette is involved in creating a natural looking result, and never recommends surgery when it isn't warranted, or won't benefit the patient. We proudly serve all of Ventura County, including Oxnard, Camarillo, Ojai and Santa Barbara. Call today to schedule a free consultation with us.

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Dr. Morrissette is a facial cosmetic surgeon specializing in facelift, BOTOX, lip injections & eyelid surgery in Ventura & Santa Barbara.

the content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. the information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon before undergoing a surgical procedure or skin care treatment.

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